The Case for Cold Showers

It’s January in Minnesnowta (goGLOW Headquarters) and we realize everyone, and we mean everyone, hates being cold right now. Time spent dusting snow off cars and scraping ice from the windows leaves us unable to even think about being cold in the shower, but after reading this blog, hopefully you will at least consider it! […]


Fall in love with goGLOW EXTEND!Enter your new favorite product; EXTEND.The name of this product might throw you off if you are not extending a goGLOW tan but think of this lotion as your gradually building GLOW lotion.EXTEND is packed with nutrients and plant-based antioxidants to give you the healthiest, hydrated, and glowy skin.Here is […]

‘Soap’ & Your Skin

Soap (or body wash – we will use these terms interchangeably) has been a part of our cleansing routine since we were too little to remember. The ‘sudsy’ factor of soap makes us feel clean, and removes dirt and bacteria from our skin. What if we told you that those suds are also stripping your […]

Parabens; The Toxic Preservatives You Should Avoid

At goGLOW, we do not employ the addition of any parabens in our skincare products, tanning solution, sunscreen or the like. We have always stood behind the stamp of ‘paraben free’ but what does that really mean? We want to dig deeper and unveil the reasoning behind this for you, the consumer, and our client, […]

Our goGLOW Stay At Home & Tan Plan

We have developed the perfect “STAY AT HOME TAN PLAN” for you to create a foolproof GLOW at home, when you do not have access to a goGLOW professional’s talents! Below is the outline of how and when to use our COLLECTION of products ($128 for $152 of products). Follow this plan for at least […]

What To Wear For Your goGLOW

One of the keys to getting the most out of your goGLOW is to pack the appropriate clothing. This can make all the difference in how your glow sets and develops, so make sure to read on about what clothes you should wear and which ones you should skip when heading to and from your […]

Fixing Your goGLOW When It’s Rained or Snowed On

Look, life happens – and the reality is that after you get your goGLOW, you may get snowed on, rained on, spilled on, etc. before your tan has a chance to develop and set. In the case that something like this happens, we want to share some of our best tips on how to fix […]


Knowledge is power and that is never more true than when you’re looking to get the perfect goGLOW. Our mission is to provide you with high-quality skincare products and services that illuminate your natural beauty with a regenerative glow. In this post, we’re talking about the importance of using our EXFOLIATE mitt.Regularly exfoliating (2-4 times […]

Know Your Glow: Soybean Oil

Make sure you know what is in your sunless tan! It is our mission to provide you with high-quality skincare products that illuminate your natural beauty with a regenerative glow. Each month we will be featuring a natural ingredient in our products to highlight the benefits it provides. We all love EXTEND for the natural, […]