“When was the last time you fully exfoliated your body before coming in?”. *insert silence here* Some clients give us a blank stare after that prompt and we can tell they might not know what exfoliating really is. We are here to get your goGLOWs to last 10+ days, not 5. goGLOWgirls to the rescue!

It should be no secret by now that the best way to make sure your self tan or spray tan (or goGLOW 😉) lasts at least a week and looks beautiful as it fades is to properly exfoliate. There is a lot of misinformation circulating the internet and social media about the best ways to exfoliate and we are here to give it to you straight!

This pertains to prepping for a spray tan specifically. There are many methods to exfoliate that may work for you and your skin type to achieve different results but we are about to break down the best way to exfoliate your body for a goGLOW. If you want your goGLOWs to last well over a week and fade evenly, take notes!

  1. Start with a tool; a mitt ideally. We have an affinity for our exfoliating mitt. Don’t even think about looking at a scrub product (that jar of sugar or salt in oak or goop). Stay away!
  2. Plan on doing your full exfoliation 1-2 days before you self tan or spray tan. Your skin needs to recover the natural amino acids and natural oils on the dermis in order for the DHA (active tan ingredient) to properly bind to your skin cells and oxidize properly. You should not be exfoliating like this right before a service/self tan application.
  3. Hop in the shower – relatively warm water, not too hot – and let your skin soak and soften up for a few minutes.
  4. Without applying any soaps to your skin, press the exfoliating mitt into your skin and scrub up, down, sideways, circles, all the things! You should see gunk come off onto the mitt. That is your dead skin and old product residue.
  5. Keep rinsing the mitt, and scrubbing, and so on, and so on, until you don’t see any more gunk coming off onto the mitt.
  6. If your skin feels a little irritated or looks red, use goGLOW CLEANSE wash all over your skin. This has soothing, hydrating and anti-inflammatory ingredients to calm the skin. Pro tip; turn the shower temperature down now to as cold as you are comfortable with.
  7. Step out of the shower and pat gently dry. When your skin is still damp, apply HYDRATE lotion to your skin immediately.

VOILA! You are exfoliated and moisturized and doing great, sweetie.

Repeat every 7-14 days, or whenever you feel bumpy, dry, or have old self-tan or spray tan to remove.

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How To Double Dip: The Secret To Two goGLOW’s In One Week
How To Achieve The Best Looking Goglow® Tan!
Goglow Tips And Tricks