15 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water in The Morning on an Empty Stomach

Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach has been highly touted as one of the simple things you can add to your daily routine which can have a large impact on the health of your skin. This fruit is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene, folate, calcium and potassium – just to name a few of the vitamins it contains. When you drink lemon water first thing in the morning, you’re feeding your skin an important dose of the vitamin folate. Found in all citrus fruits and juices, this vitamin (also known as folic acid) helps to eliminate toxins from your body which helps prevent acne and can even give your skin a natural glow. #goglowgirl tip: drink some lemon water in the morning while giving yourself a DIY glow with our EXTEND for a surefire way to get your skin glowing. Here are a few other reasons we suggest adding morning lemon water to your daily routine. *List originally published by the Edison Institute of Nutrition here

  1. As a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice protects the body from Immune system deficiencies.
  2. Drinking lemon juice with warm water every morning helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body.
  3. With its powerful antibacterial properties, lemon juice helps fight infections
  4. Acts as a detoxifying agent.
  5. Helps with maintaining digestive health.
  6. Along with vitamin C, lemons are also a rich source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium etc.
  7. Helps fight common cold
  8. Lemon water is also a popular remedy for many kinds of skin problems ranging from acne, rashes and wrinkles to dark spots.
  9. Lemon juice with warm water helps in quick weight loss as it promotes digestion and increases the metabolic rate.
  10. Lemon juice is also very effective at cleansing the liver as it promotes the liver to flush out toxins
  11. Lemon’s anti-inflammatory properties help in fighting respiratory tract infections, sore throat and inflammation of tonsils.
  12. Lemon juice with warm water helps keep the body hydrated as it provides electrolytes to the body.
  13. Drinking lemon juice with warm water also helps reduce joint and muscle pain.
  14. Lemon juice with warm water is also good for your dental health as it helps with toothache and prevents gingivitis.
  15. Lemon juice with warm water helps with digestion and hence, helps regulate natural bowel movement.

#goglowgirl tip: Add a serving of collagen to your daily lemon water to see even greater benefits for your skin, hair and joints! And keep an eye out for our next blog post on the benefits of collagen.

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