3 Tips to keep you GLOWing through the Holiday Season

Winter is here. It gets dark at 5 o’clock, the skies is grey, and the change in season has your skin and complexion feel dull. And ‘tis the season for holiday and Christmas parties! By now, any glow you’ve had from the summer has dimmed, and a spray tan is the fastest and easiest thing you can do to instantly lift your mood and boost your self-confidence! You will look in the mirror and instantly feel slimmer, look more toned and have an overall sense of looking and feeling healthy, but beware, not all spray tans all created equal! A goGLOW is distinct from a spray tan. Your skin gets healthier when you come and see us. Unlike other sunless tan options on the market which dehydrate and drain your skin, our proprietary formula is packed with organic ingredients, vitamins and antioxidants. All solutions are custom suited to individual skin tone and are paraben and sulfate-free. With high-quality products and a pH balancing solution, we are eliminating bad spray tans! However, a spray tan on top of dull, dehydrated, flaky skin can result in total disaster. Here are a few tips to practice at home and keep in mind for your beauty regimen.

Step #1 – Exfoliate gently 1-2 times a week

Exfoliating a few times a week will help the trapped and dull skin cells on your body loosen up to reveal brighter, younger, fresher skin below. Using a body brush or our EXFOLIATE exfoliating mitt will be the easiest and most effective way to rid that top layer of dead skin.

Step #2 – Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

First, drink lots of water! You will always see our goGLOW girls with a bottle of water in hand. Second, hydrate your skin topically. After buffing away dead skin cells, your skin is thirsty and ready to drink up some nutrients! The best way to keep our skin hydrated in the winter is to use products rich in natural (not man made or chemical) emollients and organic plant extracts, like our very own HYDRATE. Our HYDRATE ($15 – $28) is full of natural enzymes that repair weak, dehydrated skin and promote the body’s own natural moisture levels. It’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fruit extracts, which combat skin aging caused by environmental exposure and free radicals in the air. Along with being paraben free, gluten free and loaded with yummy ingredients, this product will keep your goGLOW spray tan looking flawless and hydrated.

Step #3 – Read your labels

At goGLOW we are hardcore advocates for the sulfate-free, paraben-free, beauty conscious and awareness movement that is slowly happening. We like knowing what we are putting on our skin, and on our children’s skin, is safe and non-toxic. For the life of your tan, we ask our clients to stay away from “mineral oil”, “ethanol”, “petroleum”, and “parabens”. The reason is because they break down the tan, shorten the life of the tan and make the tan fade in all sorts of patches. Why? Because they’re blocking oxygen from getting in and out of your skin are skin irritants, non-natural and simply not safe. As your skin is dehydrated, and thirsty, these ingredients in lotions and oils will dry out your skin even more. If you are having skin troubles, consider eliminating mineral oil and petroleum from your routine, especially when you have a goGLOW tan. It is considered “comedogenic” which means it clogs your pores, and increases the risk of acne and blackheads. There are so many alternatives to mineral oil and petroleum that are healthier for the skin and provide better results. At goGLOW we are truly passionate about our clients having healthy skin all year round. We are completely objective when choosing the products we carry because we don’t work for one specific brand or label. Every GLOWing tan looks better on healthy skin, so that is our highest priority! Happy GLOWing this Holiday season! Check out the rest of our skincare and sunless tanning line in our shop and follow us on Instagram @_goglow to learn more about our products and for exclusive promotions and contests.

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