Our goGLOW Stay At Home & Tan Plan

We have developed the perfect “STAY AT HOME TAN PLAN” for you to create a foolproof GLOW at home, when you do not have access to a goGLOW professional’s talents!

Below is the outline of how and when to use our COLLECTION of products ($128 for $152 of products). Follow this plan for at least a week, and you’ll be on your way to the perfect DIY glow!

Day 1: Steam in the shower for 5-10 min, and do not apply any body wash or product to your skin. Step away from the direct stream of water and use our EXFOLIATE glove all over your body in circular motions. Apply a good amount of pressure with the mitt on your hand, especially on dry or rough areas of skin. You are more than welcome to use this on your face – but apply less pressure and be a little gentle. Do not forget your neck, back of neck, and armpits! You will visibly see skin cells on the mitt if you are doing this correctly! After you have rolled away all of your excess dead skin cells (you should see them come onto the mitt like little pills or little eraser remnants) apply CLEANSE body wash to your hands and rub into skin. Rinse the body wash away with cool water. Once complete, step out of the shower and pat gently dry. While your skin is still damp, apply HYDRATE liberally (and don’t forget your face!)

Day 2: Shower with cool water and CLEANSE like yesterday, get out of shower and apply HYDRATE to only your dry areas (think elbows, wrists, knuckles, ankles, toes, knees) and your face. Next, apply a liberal amount of EXTEND lotion to the applicator mitt, and starting with your calves, evenly rub into your skin in circular motions. We suggest working your way up to your body, applying the EXTEND to your arms last (i.e. do your calves first, then thighs, stomach, chest, arms last). You can use this liberally on areas like tops of shoulders, tops of your arms, chest, and all over your legs. You should apply less of the product to the underside of your arms and near your armpits to create a natural looking glow, because the areas that get darker from the sun would be the tops of your arms, tops of shoulders, collar bone, etc. Use sparingly around elbows, knees etc. also known as the dry areas that you protected prior with HYDRATE. Use any excess product that is leftover on the mitt to tan the top of your hands and feet, as a little goes a long way. Next, take your TOUCH UP tanning mist and hold the can about arms length from your skin; lightly mist this over your face, neck and top of your shoulders and chest. To spray your face, we suggest holding the can arms length from your skin, closing your eyes gently and holding your breath. Next, mist the TOUCH UP in horizontal ‘zig zag’ motions down your face. To create a highlighted natural glow, do another pass starting at your hair line and dust your cheek bones on each side, and one spray quickly down the top of your forehead to the top of your nose. These mists should be light and gentle and your skin should not be wet or heavy with the spray. You can always add more color tomorrow, or in 8 hours. If you do too much and make our face look too obviously tanned it can look fake which is not the look we are going for here! Then, make a gentle ‘claw’ formation with your hands and lightly dust the top of your hands about 12-16″ inches from your skin. You can do the same over the top of your feet. Only do 1 pass on each hand and foot for now; less is more!

Day 3-6: repeat ‘day 2’ if necessary to build color. If you are the perfect color, then skip a day of this tanning routine, but use HYDRATE to maintain your skin’s moisture levels and lock in your glow.

Don’t forget to throw your APPLICATOR MITT in the wash with other like-colors (black/dark) and lay it flat to dry. Wash your mitt 1x/week or after a few uses.

Day 7-8: EXFOLIATE and start fresh.

Day 9: Start over with ‘day 2’ practices!

We would love to hear from you! DM us on Instagram @_goglow or email us at info@goglow.co with any individualized questions. We are happy to help you specifically achieve your glow goals at home!

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