What to wear to your goGLOW appointment; Summer edition

t’s heating up outside… but that doesn’t mean it’s time to wear tank tops and shorts to your goGLOW appointment!

🚫 Tank tops or tight t-shirts

These will allow for your skin to touch other areas of tanned skin, especially in the armpit area where you sweat. If skin to skin contact happens right after a tan application, the amino acids in your sweat will mix with the DHA and darken your skin and you will end up with darkened armpits and elbow creases.

✅ Long sleeve cotton shirt

🚫 Shorts, leggings or short dresses

These will allow for your skin to touch other areas of tanned skin, especially in the inner thighs and back of your knees. Also when you sit down on leather seats in your car or Uber, the color on the back of your legs will be rubbed off onto the seat of the car and you will have white marks! If skin to skin contact happens right after a tan application, the amino acids in your sweat will mix with the DHA and darken your skin and you will end up with darkened inner thighs and behind your knees.

✅ Joggers, sweats or maxi skirt (avoid skin to skin contact on legs)

🚫 Tight sneakers or boots

These will rub off the color in uneven patches and the sweat will whiten the tan on your feet.

✅ Slide shoes or flip flops

✅ Umbrella ☔️ and hooded coat if it’s raining and you have to walk home or walk to your car! BONUS; Edina has fully covered parking 🤗 so don’t worry there!

We carry clothing for sale in each of our locations if you are in a pinch, but the key to the best goGLOW is preparation and aftercare, which includes the right clothing!

xx, the goGLOW Girls

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